This is how I (Face) Roll!


The past month has been an emotional roller coaster for many of us, not knowing what the future holds is a very scary thing. I hope we are all staying positive and hopeful that things will get better soon! Most of us are taking this time to reset our rituals and redefine what the "new normal" means to us. There's comfort in knowing we're all adjusting to this new normal together. I’ve been spending my time doing more of the things that make me happy. This includes getting plenty of sleep, taking the time to exercise, improving my cooking skills, revisiting old hobbies and learning new ones. The beauty of self improvement is that it’s endless, there is always something to learn.

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It may seem frivolous to talk about skincare, but practicing self-care is more important than ever right now: It helps you unplug, relax and recharge. Ever since I started working from home 3 weeks ago, I’ve had more time to incorporate Scilla Rose Rose Quartz roller and Gua Sha face sculptor to my daily skincare routine. I find myself reaching for them every time I feel any tension in my face, neck or shoulder. It feels amazing, like a body massage for your face. Besides being a pretty addition to your vanity table it also has great benefits for your skin and overall energy. Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love, it promotes love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. You can also find face rollers crafted from jade (harmony), quartz (self-love) or amethyst (positivity), if you believe in the healing benefits of crystals then this tool is for you!

The Benefits

I did some research and found that face rollers are good for stimulating the lymphatic system. The lymph system is part of your body's immune system and helps fight infection. Massaging with a face roller improves blood circulation in the face and neck area which helps bring more oxygen to the skin cells and ultimately making your skin look brighter and firmer. This increased circulation also helps the body’s lymphatic system carry toxins away from the body. Sounds good right?

Rose Quartz Roller

aka “The Perfect Serum Penetrator”

Use it over masks, cream and serum to help the nutrients penetrate deeper into skin for better absorption.

Cleanse your face thoroughly.

Apply moisturizer, serum or a mask.

Start rolling on one side of your face outward and upward from the center.

Use gentle pressure, roll from the center of the face, outwards.

Repeat each movement 4-6 times. Use the larger roller for you face and neck and the smaller roller for the delicate areas around your eyes and nose.

The Big Flush: roll from the center of your forehead right under your hairline, down to your temple and ear until you reach your neck and terminus area. This collects all the lymph fluid to your lymphatic drainage.

Tip: For extra healing and relaxation, place the roller in the refrigerator before use.

Use daily for about 5-10 minutes.

Gua Sha

aka “The Perfect Facial Sculptor”

Cleanse your face thoroughly.

Apply moisturizer, serum or facial oil.

Start scraping on one side of your face outward and upward from the center.

Use gentle pressure, sweep from your chin, jawline, mouth area, cheeks, around to the eye area and the forehead. Then with the big flush, move along to the neck area.

Repeat each movement 4-6 times.

The Big Flush: sweep from the centre of your forehead right under your hairline, down to your temple and ear until you reach your neck and terminus area. This collects all the lymph you’ve moved to the side of the face and moves sluggish lymph fluids to your lymphatic drainage.

Tip: Repeat the big flush between each sections.

Use twice a week for about 15-20 minutes.

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Click here to see a quick tutorial!

I was contacted by Scilla Rose, a small Uk family business that produces small batches of handcrafted products using all organic and authentic materials mined in Brazil . I was asked to give them feedback on their Superior Rose Quartz roller and Gua Sha Beauty Set. I was very pleased with this set, it’s affordable and well made. There are many options in the market, find out what works for your routine, and your budget. Just make sure you get an authentic crystal face roller or gua sha. The last thing you want is to be rubbing fake materials and chemicals on you skin! 

Sending you love with a little happy dance!

Carolina Real